Case Studies

Legal Easement Land Charge

Let`s say your neighbor starts parking in your driveway without your permission. You don`t stop them, and they do it year after year. As unfair as it may seem, illegal access to your property can give them a right of access. This is because the court might consider your inability to stop them as an act of concession on your part. Sellers are required to disclose easements. However, it is important to note that it is normal for there to be easements such as easements or even rights of way between owners on a property. Buying a home with an easement doesn`t have to be a bad thing. Many types of easements can benefit both the owner and the holder of the easement. However, they can also cause problems and restrict certain property rights. To protect yourself and your investment, you should take the time to thoroughly research your future property to find out what types of easements it might have. There must be a unification of ownership and possession of the ruling country and the servant land.

[51] Rights may become quasi-easements through continued use, and then be restored or effectively restored by necessity, under the terms of a new division of title, i.e. the subsequent transfer of a relevant part of the united country. Assuming this does not happen, or in any case at some point during unitary ownership, registrations that appear to confirm an easement with the land registry can be removed at any time after unification. Private easements may not be a problem, but depending on the conditions, they can limit what you can do with your property. Private easements should be listed on the title. Easements are also distinct from natural rights, which are universal and do not need to be created. Some natural rights are similar to easements. For example, there is a natural right to help one`s own country. However, this does not extend to buildings on the property or the consequences for the property if you build on it. However, the limitation period for obtaining a right to support buildings and land in the form of an easement restricts the exercise of this natural right. Natural rights can only be applied retroactively – if damage has already occurred; The neighbouring landowner may not be compelled to take preventive measures or provide assistance in any way.

[14] The right to water in a stream or river is another natural right that can be extended by the operation of an easement. Easements in this area must also be considered in the light of legal regulations, especially in the economic context. [15] There is also a public right to fish and navigate on the foreshore, although this is restricted in several respects. [16] The benefit of an equitable servitude is transferred with the transfer of the dominant dwelling house. [43] It is not clear whether section 62 of the Property Law Act, 1925 can assist in converting an equitable servitude into a legal servitude upon transfer of the dominant property. On the one hand, it seems strange that a simple licence under the section could become a legal easement if the much narrower just servitude could not; On the other hand, such an interpretation of the section is not necessary from the buyer`s point of view, since a fair law is almost as useful as an enforceable statute at common law. [44] Although we do not always think about it, we encounter many facilities in everyday life. For example, easements allow for repairs and meter readings. We will talk about the different types of easements later in this article. “A landowner who wants to prevent the acquisition of blocking rights must not surrender and suffer in silence.” [29] In the case of a prescribed easement, the objective is simply to use the property in a defined property and without property.

While in opposing possession, the person`s intention and actions are made to claim full ownership. A natural easement arises when it is necessary for an individual or the public to use land in the vicinity of the property subject to the easement. The benefit of a legal easement passes without words on purpose to the next owner of this building. That was the common law position and is now reflected in sections 62 and 187 of the Property Law Act 1925. If the dominant leased property is leased, even if only in equity, the benefit of the legal servitude still reverts to the tenant and remains a legal easement, although it is enforceable by the tenant only on an equitable basis. [31] An easement exists when an easement extends over one piece of land but benefits another. The parcel that benefits from it is called the dwelling house or dominant estate, and the other parcel of land on which the servitude exists is called a dwelling house or sometimes servant`s property. All interested parties benefiting from the servitude must be parties to the deed or agree to the waiver, including:[48] Easements are distinct from restrictive covenants, and the court will not allow the creation of an easement if the right is essentially a restrictive agreement.

In order to prove the existence of a restrictive agreement, various criteria must be met, and a restrictive agreement is only fair and not common law, whereas an easement may apply to both. [12] An instrument that imposes a negative obligation on another dwelling house will normally be a restrictive agreement, although there are exceptions – the right to light, which may be an easement, prevents the owner of the servient dwelling house from acting inconsistently with it. [13] Where private easements become difficult is when they have the potential to influence future owners. For example, if you grant your neighbor a private easement, it can affect anyone you sell the house to in the future. That`s why it`s always a good idea to check if there are any private easements on a property before buying a home. An implied easement is an easement that is not written, but it is used by local customs. For example, if your property is the only way for children to get to the bus stop, there may be a case of implied easement to cross the property. It is important to note that a judge must rule on this matter for an implied easement to have full force of law. It may never come to that. Easements in English law are certain rights in English land law that a person has over someone else`s land.

Rights recognized as easements range from widespread forms of rights of way, most utility line rights such as telecommunications cables, power lines, utility lines and conduits, community garden user rights, and lighting rights, to more pronounced and new forms. All species are subject to general rules and restrictions. As expressly stated in one of the formalities of English law, express legal easements must be created by deed. An easement by order is obtained by adverse possession (see discussion on usual possession). A person who illegally uses another person`s land under conditions necessary for opposing possession may take legal action to establish ownership rights over the property. In New Zealand, the law reflects the old alternative legal vocabulary, as the term “surrender” is often used. In England and Wales, there was an application for easement which amounted to a rejection. [49] For the sake of clarity, assignment is generally limited to a category of termination of leases, professional rights, property and similar rights under English law that tend to be more monetary.

But it`s always a good idea to do your research every time you sell or buy a home. This information will help you understand the different types of easements that exist and what they mean for your property. The first is an easement. This type of easement is an agreement between a landowner and a utility that allows the utility to run power lines, water pipes or other types of utilities through a property. Easement agreements are often included in the deed of ownership or are held by a city or municipality. If an easement is held on your property by a person or entity, that party has the right to access your property in accordance with the guidelines set out in the easement. For example, local utilities usually hold easements in case they need access to power lines or cables on your property. Finally, there is a third joint servitude agreement, necessarily called servitude. This type of easement is more liberal because it does not require written agreement and is enforceable by local laws. An easement necessarily arises when one party is obliged to use the property of another person.

For example, if a person needs to use a neighbor`s entrance to access their home, this is necessarily considered an easement. Certain categories and types of easements are severely restricted – the courts of England and Wales will only maintain them as easements subject to far-reaching public policy laws, mainly encroachments on property rights, criteria they have established in precedents.