Jurisprudence Law Mcq Questions
Law plays a decisive role in every entrance exam. Many questions are asked in legal entrance exams, preliminary exams, CLAT, judicial pre-exams, AU entrance exams and other similar tests. In general, students have difficulty answering questions about the law. 7. Who is the father of English jurisprudence? To. Austin 45. Who said that “Austin is like a palm tree in jurisprudence”? To. Maine 4. Who said that “jurisprudence is the systematic order of rules followed by the courts”? To. Grey 9. Who wrote the famous book “Province of Determined Jurisprudence”? To. Austin 31. Which jurist said that “jurisprudence is natural law with variable content”? To.
Stammler 2. Who called jurisprudence “lawyer`s extroversion”? To. Julius Stein 8. Who divided the case law into two parts – expository and censorship? At. Bentham After analyzing the model of various articles, we listed 50 important questions of jurisprudence that are essential for legal reviews. Each area has been sufficiently illuminated to cover essential topics. 3. Who said that “jurisprudence is the observation of human and divine things”? To. Ulpian 35.
Who included state succession in case law for the first time? To. Grotius This Q&A article and the jurisprudence PDF of these questions is an attempt to reduce the burden on students preparing for various legal exams. Editor`s Note – The above questions are important for entrance exams. A consistent revision is advised. Many questions are part of lawyers` research papers and columns and are not readily or clearly available in a particular format. 3. Which School of Law Deals with “Positus” 4. Who called the analytical school “imperative jurisprudence”? 10. Which jurist called the analytical school an imperative school? To. All 13.
Which article of the Constitution reflects Savigny`s theory of the mind of the people? To. Preamble, Articles 13, 15, 25, 26, 44 and 324 27. Who is the father and founder of sociology? To. Auguste Comte 1. Who said that “jurisprudence is the systematic study and arrangement of the general principles of law”? 6. Who is the founder of the analytical school? To. Bentham 43. Who said that “the unborn child has no legal person because he has no rights”? To. Paton 29. Which jurist said that “law is the norm of every society”? At. Durkheim `); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); iframe.style.display = “; setTimeout(function () { setIframeHeight(initialResizeCallback); }, 20); } function getDocHeight(doc) { var contentDiv = doc.getElementById(« iframeContent »); var docHeight = 0; if(contentDiv){ docHeight = Math.max( contentDiv.scrollHeight, contentDiv.offsetHeight, contentDiv.clientHeight ); } return docHeight; } function setIframeHeight(resizeCallback) { var iframeDoc, iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); iframeDoc = ((iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document) || iframe.contentDocument); if (iframeDoc) { var h = getDocHeight(iframeDoc); if (h && h != 0) { iframe.style.height = parseInt(h) + `px`; if(typeof resizeCallback == « function ») { resizeCallback(iframeId); } } else if (nTries 44. Wer hat das Konzept des lebendigen Rechts erläutert? Eugen Ehrlich 25.
Which jurist was a member of the Viceroy of the Legal Council of India and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Calcutta? To Sir Henry Maine 24. Who was the first lawyer to go to history school? To. Montesquieu 1. Who first coined the term “legal theory”? To W. Friedman 14. Which jurist gave the pure legal theory? Kelson also read: All India LLM Entrance Crash Course| DU LLM|CLAT| WING| ILI. 41. What is the validity of the pro incuriam decision? To. It is not binding 16. Who is the creator of “Origins of the Mohannedan Jurisprudence”? 18. Which of the following jurists belongs to the ancient theories of natural law? 39. Is a mosque a legal entity or not? The mosque is not a legal entity.
23. Austin`s theory of command or sanction is criticized by other jurists as? To. Shooters Act 16. Who put forward the theory of social solidarity? To. Duguit 12. Who said this – The law grows as the nation grows. The law becomes stronger as the nation becomes stronger. The law dies when the nation loses its citizenship.
To. Savigny 7. Who wrote the book “Legal Thinking Revised”? 19. In which case has it been decided that a person cannot own anything that he or she does not know exists? A. R. v. Ashwell 21. Can the death penalty be abolished by what theory of punishment? To.
Reform theory 36. Who defined the law as the “psychologized commandment”? To. Kelson 33. Who said that “law and order is an unruly horse”? To. Borrough J. 13. He criticised the definition in Salmond`s law, saying: “What should we think of a medicine as a medicine prescribed by a doctor”? 40. What theory of punishment implies that crime is a disease and that the goal should be to cure the disease? To. Reform theory 37. Who wrote the book “The Concept of Law”? To. Hard 12. Who said that “law is the art of science, what is right and good”? 22.
Who calls the analytical school the school of positivism? To. Dias 18. What does the term corpus possession mean? To. Control of ownership 47. Who said that “the movement of progressive societies has so far moved from status to treaty”? To Rosco Book 48. Who said that “pure theory is like a human skeleton without blood or flesh”? To. Julius Stone Scan the following code with your phone`s camera and download the Kindle app. 15. Who wrote the play “Corpus Juris Civilis de Justinian”? 2.
Who said: “The law grows with growth and strengthens with force with the people and eventually dies, the nation loses its nationality”? 46. Who was the promoter of the laissez-faire economic principle? To. Bentham. 32. What is the guiding force of the historical school? To. Inch 6. Who is best known for his work “Reality of Group Personality”? 42. Who said that “the only right a person has is to do his duty”? To.
Duguit 20. Who said that “ownership is total control over an object”? To. Netherlands 8. Who said that standards are effective and that they are perceived by the judge as binding and therefore followed? 10. Who is the founder of the Viennese School of Thought? 14. Who said that the law of every modern state shows the influence of both accepted social morality and moral ideals broader than a thousand? Download the free Kindle app and instantly read Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, no Kindle device required. Read more 50. What is the legal status of a deceased person? To. No legal person (Actio personalis moritur persona – act dies with the death of a man.) 26. Who is the author of the book “Spirit of Law”? To. Montesquieu 34. Who supported the view that “judges not only discover the law, but also correct the law?” To.
Blackstone 17. Which lawyer said that possession is physical control of an object? To. Pollock 38. Who is the main proponent of the declaratory theory of precedent? To. Blackstone 30. Which jurist speaks of the national character of the law? To Montesquieu 17…………..affirms that all human actions are controlled by two leaders, namely “pain” and “pleasure” 49. Who said that `legal certainty is a myth`? To. Jerome Frank 11.
Criticism of Hart`s theory, which said that the legal system, as an instrument for regulating human behavior, must deal with both the law “as it is” and “as it should be”? Read instantly in your browser with Kindle Cloud Reader. 5. According to this lawyer, society is like an organism and can progress if it is guided by scientific principles. Who is it? Case law MCQ- LLM/UGC-NET PDF [CLAT PG, AILET, ILI, University of Delhi, etc.] 28. Who said that “the law is an interest protected by the law”? To. Ihering.